What is Cross-Border DuitNow QR?


Cross Border QR is an interoperable QR standard that enables tourists and foreign nationals from participating countries – Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand to make payments directly by scanning the DuitNow QR Code via their respective mobile banking apps at any participating DuitNow QR merchant in Malaysia.

Without needing to manually exchange physical cash at a money changer or at a bank, the Cross-Border DuitNow QR allows currency to be converted instantaneously via the eWallet or mobile banking app of any participating bank.​

This feature is also available for Malaysians visiting or travelling to the participating countries. Malaysians can scan the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS), Network for Electronic Transfers (NETS), and PromptPay QR codes in Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand respectively in participating stores.

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Learn more about Cross-Border DuitNow QR here.

If you are a merchant and you would like to have the Cross-Border DuitNow QR for your business, you may learn more and leave your contact details here.​

Click here for frequently asked questions.​


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