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Fund Info : Fund Info

ABF Malaysia Bond Index Fund (the “Fund”) provides an easy avenue for individual investors to get immediate exposure to a portfolio of mainly Malaysian government bonds.

Investment Objective

The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve a total return for the Fund Assets that closely tracks the total return of the Benchmark.

Any material change to the Fund’s investment objective will require the Unit Holder’s approval by way of a resolution of not less than two-thirds of all Unit Holders at a meeting of Unit Holders duly convened and held in accordance with the Deed.

Benchmark Index

Markit iBoxx® ABF Malaysia Bond Index

Stock Short Name


Stock Code


Trading Board Lot Size

100 units

Management Fee

0.10% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund

Trustee Fee

0.04% p.a. of the NAV of the Fund

Other charges that you may incur

Brokerage Fee: Maximum of 0.30% of the contract value (subject to a minimum of RM12) or as prescribed by Bursa Securities.

Bursa Securities Clearing Fee:
I. On-market transaction – 0.03% (subject to a maximum of RM1,000 per contract).
II. Direct-business transaction – 0.03% (subject to a minimum of RM10 and maximum of RM1000 per contract).

Stamp Duty: 0.10% of the contract value (rounded up to the nearest RM), subject to a maximum of RM200.


HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee Berhad

Income distribution

Semi-annually (if any)


Bursa Malaysia Berhad

Launch date

13 July 2005


Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Market Maker

AmBank (M) Berhad​

CIMB Bank Berhad​

Please refer to Prospectus for more details.

Please visit Bursa Malaysia for the details of the market maker.

1. Accessibility – easy exposure to Malaysian Government Securities with low investment amount compared to investing in bonds directly
2. Flexibility & liquidity – buy and redeem the Fund anytime at current market price throughout the exchange trading day
3. Low cost – the Fund has no entry fees. Management fee is 0.10% (unlike an actively managed bond unit trust fee which is normally around 1%)
4. Transparency – you know what bond holdings you are buying into via the Annual Report
5. Income distribution – semi-annually (if any)